Quincy Park Apartments - Historic Tulsa Boys Home Redevelopment

Located at 8th St. and Rockford Ave - the 5 historic Tulsa Boys Home buildings were constructed in phases between 1949 - 1963 and designed by local Tulsa architect Joseph F. Koberling. The buildings range from 2-3 stories - some with basements as well.

A local developer approached Method to rehabilitate the existing buildings and convert them to apartments - providing much needed workforce housing in the area. This project perfectly combined our passion for Tulsa, vision for community-oriented housing, and experience with historic preservation.

The buildings are located on the perimeter of the site, with a large open space in the center. Due to certain circumstances regarding easements and water retention, the center space was unavailable for building on, and will be converted to private park space for the residents. On the remaining quadrant of the site, Method proposed incorporating a new mixed-use building as well as townhomes located off the alley. The new construction efforts are planned for phase II of the overall development plan.

Project Location: Tulsa, OK

Exterior rendering of the renovated buildings and site

Initial concept rendering of an apartment unit